All clinical trials in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) that are ongoing after 30 January 2025
comply with the Clinical Trial
Regulation (EU) 536/2014 and, therefore, should have been submitted to the
Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).
The below documents provide additional support to complete the tasks described in the
EudraCT step-by-step guide.
Additional information can be found on our
Asked Questions.
EudraCT third country protocol information ('third country file')
EudraCT EU/EEA Clinical Trial Application
- Legislation: Eudralex Vol 10, Chapter 1, Annex I: CTA form
- Process: Step-by-step, User manual, Frequently asked questions (see sections on protocol information).
- Instructions for data completion: CTA Pick lists and Coded Values, Data dictionary; Validation rules v.8.2 (31/5/2012) EEA CTA - tabular and XML format
- CTA v7 to v8: How to convert v7 to v8, v8.1 guidance, Tool tips for IE6 users (v8.0), New fields in v8.0 , Country Mapping List, Controlled Terms Mapping List
- Schemas: EEA CTA, XML Schemas v.8.1; Gateway technical specification, acknowledgement message, main message, message header
- Brexit: Joint Technical Notice to Sponsors by the European Commission, EMA and HMA and Notice to stakeholders of 7 May 2020
EudraCT Results