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Hosted on behalf of the European Commission![]() |
Welcome to the EudraCT public home pageEudraCT (European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials Database) is the database for all interventional clinical trials on medicinal products that were conducted in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) between 1 May 2004 and 30 January 2025 under Directive 2001/20/EC, as well as for all trials conducted outside of the EEA that are part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) and/or are conducted under Article 45 or 46 of Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006. Most of the protocol and results information of EudraCT trials is made publicly available through the European Union Clinical Trials Register (see Frequently Asked Questions). End of transition period to the Clinical Trials Regulation: all clinical trials in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) that are ongoing after 30 January 2025 must comply with the Clinical Trial Regulation (EU) 536/2014 and, therefore, should have been submitted to the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS). If your trial is displayed as ‘ongoing’ on the European Union Clinical Trials Register you need to liaise with the relevant National Competent Authority(ies) in order to have this corrected. You cannot update the trial status yourself through logging in EudraCT: more details in question 3 of Frequently Asked Questions As per EudraCT step-by-step guide, the use of the EudraCT database is now limited to:
Requirement to provide results: sponsors are required to post EudraCT trials' results as per Joint Letter by the European Commission, EMA and HMA CTIS: how to get started | ||
What's New25-02-2025 A few specific dropdown menus of EudraCT results are not currently working as expected. Sponsors are currently prevented from inserting all results data. Our IT is working to solve this issue as soon as possible and further updates will be given through the present page. Update27Feb2025: this issue is now solved. 31-01-2025 As of 31 January 2025, all EU/EEA trials need to be conducted under Regulation (EU) 536/2014. Any EU/EEA trial with a foreseen last patient last visit after this date should have been transitioned to the Clinical Trials Information System: more information here. A new version of the Frequently asked questions is now available. Sponsors are encouraged to refer to it for questions on EudraCT/EU CTR, before submitting a query through our Service Now. 09-08-2024 The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is active when logging in EudraCT. To access the website for the purpose of submitting results or a third country file, users can log in EudraCT using their EMA username followed by '@id.ema.europa.eu' and password, and proceed through setting up their MFA.
24-07-2024 As of August 7th 2024, the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be active when logging in EudraCT. Users that need to submit results or a third country file, will need to enable the MFA access on their EMA accounts, either installing the 'Microsoft Authenticator' app on their phones or using other authentication options. Further information here. 10-04-2024 Due to essential maintenance of SPOR, the EudraCT website will experience issues between 11th of April at 6 pm (CET) and15th of April at 6 pm (CET). During this timeframe, it will not be possible for users to upload CTA XML files to perform amendments to trial protocols. Users may also experience service losses in other parts of the website (e.g. results section). We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused. 30-01-2024 As of 31 January 2025, all EU/EEA trials need to be conducted under Regulation (EU) 536/2014. Any EU/EEA trial with a foreseen last patient last visit after this date is required to be transitioned to the Clinical Trials Information System as soon as possible: more information here.
07-12-2023 A new version of the EudraCT results training environment is now live. This version can be accessed by users who already have access to the EudraCT results application. However, a pre-registration for the training environment is still necessary: full instructions on how to access can be found here. Please note that the old training environment credentials do not work in this new version, therefore it is not possible for users to retrieve old mock trials assigned in the old training environment. 1-08-2023 The option of posting a 'summary attachment' in the EudraCT results section is allowed in case: the trial never started, the trial terminated early, it is not possible to post a 'full data set' or in case the trial has transitioned to CTIS. The questions appearing after the sponsor clicks on 'post results' have now been updated accordingly. 31-05-2023 Due to essential maintenance, EudraCT and EU CTR websites will be briefly unavailable on 1st June, between 6 - 7 PM CEST. We apologize for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience. 28-03-2023 The "Become a results user" functionality is not working as expected and as described in the relevant instructions. Update24Apr2023: this issue is now solved.
23-02-2023 The EudraCT website has been affected by unexpected SPOR downtimes, which prevent users from performing usual functionalities, such as the uploading of an XML file. Update 24Feb2023: this issue is now solved; however, a few users have reported that they do not see their trials listed in 'your page', in order to post results. We encourage users to report this, in case they are affected, to allow a better investigation and resolution by our IT. 10-02-2023 Users have reported issues with filling in section H of the EU/EEA CTA for protocol amendments and with the generation of EudraCT numbers for third country files. Our IT is currently working on this, we thank you very much for your patience. Update 14Feb2023: this issue is now solved. 06-02-2023 After implementing a system upgrade, on 02-02-2023 the EudraCT database experienced issues with results functionalities, which are now solved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience. 31-01-2023 The Clinical Trial Regulation is now mandatory for all initial EU/EEA clinical trial applications. The EudraCT website has been amended accordingly. 15-12-2022 The EMA will be closed for public holidays until 03/01/2023 included. All requests submitted to the EudraCT team after 21/12/2022 will be processed from 04/01/2023. This includes Service Now queries, emails to EudraCT_notification@ema.europa.eu and requests for assignments to trials for the purpose of posting results. We thank you for your understanding and we encourage you to refer to the Frequently Asked Questions in the meantime. 07-12-2022 EudraCT and EU CTR experienced several unexpected downtimes recently. Both websites are now operational and users can access them. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your patience. 02-12-2022 Due to essential maintenance, the EudraCT website will have a downtime this evening between 6 pm and 8 pm (CET). We apologise for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience. 22-11-2022 Sponsors of clinical trials on COVID-19 are reminded to include the term "COVID-19" in the title of their trial (section A.3 of the CTA). Sponsors are also reminded of the importance of timely reporting of SAEs (Serious Adverse Events) and of SUSARs (Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reactions) to the competent authorities, in order to protect the safety of the participants. In addition, we encourage sponsors of COVID-19 trials to post the relevant results as soon as it is feasible, also before the deadline. 14-11-2022 Users have reported issues with uploading CTA XML files on EudraCT. Our IT is currently working on this, we thank you very much for your understanding and patience. Update 21Nov2022: this issue is now solved. 26-09-2022 Kindly note that the EMA Service Desk has changed to ServiceNow and can be accessed via https://support.ema.europa.eu/esc. If you cannot access through this portal, please report your issue or ask your question through using the email address EudraCT_notification@ema.europa.eu. We thank you very much for your collaboration. 31-08-2022 Due to essential maintenance of SPOR, the EudraCT website may experience momentary service losses on 3 and 4 September 2022. We apologise for this inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience. 29-07-2022 A considerable amount of clinical trials are currently marked as "ongoing" in the EudraCT database. In view of the upcoming transition of trials to CTIS, sponsors are encouraged to verify whether the correct status of their trials is reported on EU CTR. An end of trial form needs to be submitted to National Competent Authorities for the trials that should be marked as “completed” or “prematurely ended”. In addition, sponsors are requested to post results of these trials as per European Commission guideline 2012/C 302/03: to know how to post results visit Tutorials on posting results. For questions, refer to Contact us. 30-06-2022 Following the issuing of the Joint Letter by the European Commission, EMA and HMA, National Competent Authorities and European Medicines Agency have sent reminders to sponsors who were not compliant with the European Commission guideline on results posting. Thanks to these reminders, the percentage of posted results substantially increased. However, for some trials the reminders were not successful: detailed lists of these trials can be found here. 03-03-2022 Following the European Commission's Guidance on results postings, the European Medicines Agency and National Competent Authorities sent rounds of notifications in order to remind sponsors of their responsibilities as regards posting clinical trial results in EudraCT. In an attempt to reach sponsors who have not uploaded results yet, round of reminders are now being sent to email addresses stored not only in EudraCT, but also in other databases, such as the EMA Eudra Common Directory (results user roles list), EudraVigilance, SPOR and Art. 57 database.
Previous news can be found here
For the UK, as of 1.1.2021, EU Law applies only to the territory of Northern Ireland (NI) to the extent foreseen in the Protocol on Ireland/NI. |