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EudraCT user manual and training

User manual

The below specific instructions are linked in the EudraCT step-by-step guide and in the Tutorials on posting results
Instructions on creation and EudraCT submission of a third country file for a trial conducted exclusively outside of the EU/EEA, but part of a Paediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) and/or conducted under art 46 of the paediatric Regulation (EC) No 1901/2006:
Instructions applicable to users that would like to post results for their EudraCT trials:

Results Training environment

The training environment is aimed at representatives of sponsors who wish to practice results posting and get a better understanding of the preparation and posting of their trials' results on EudraCT:

EudraCT tools & Login

EudraCT step-by-step guide
Tutorials on posting results
User manual and training
Supporting documents
Frequently asked questions
National competent authorities
EU Clinical Trials Register
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