Results user role

Once you have registered with EudraCTEudraCT (European Union Drug Regulating Authorities Clinical Trials) is the European Clinical Trials Database of all interventional clinical trials of medicinal products commencing in the European Union from 1 May 2004 onwards. The EudraCT database has been established in accordance with Directive 2001/20/EC. to become a results user, the login and the Manage account screen is displayed.

Please Note: When searching for a user, the person you are searching for must have the results user role assigned to them. If the role is not assigned to them, you will not find them in the system.

Click on the Become results user link:

The following terms must be met before the role of results user is approved:

Accept the terms and the Confirm button is enabled. If the terms of the agreement are not accepted, you will not be able to proceed. Click Cancel to return to the Manage account page.

Once confirmed you need to logout and log back in again for the new role changes to take effect.

You can now request assignment if you are to become a primary user (one who can perform all tasks including manage assigned users) or you can be delegated one of the following user roles:

Backup user: A user who can perform all tasks including manage assigned users and act as a back-up to the primary user.

Preparer: A user who is assigned to a trial to perform the tasks that would lead to the preparation of results in the EudraCT database. These include uploading summary attachment, uploading/downloading XMLeXtensible Markup Language, downloading of report, data entry of full data set and validation of the results.

Preparer and poster: A user who is assigned to a trial to perform the tasks that lead to the preparation and posting of the results in the EudraCT database. These include the tasks assigned to a preparer role and also include the ability to post the results on behalf of the primary user.



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